torsdag den 1. oktober 2009

what do you get here? Music almost all over.

As many others i'm passioned to music. Have used quit a lot of time to find solutions, how to share my passion with others. On this blog, I wll place links making it possible 4 U 2 download a certain album with a certain artist or group. OR download a bibliography wth a certain group or artist. Concerning legality, I do not know excatly, what is right or wrong, but i cn C the fact evry1 cn download music from almost evrywhere in mp3 format 4 free.

Mp3 runs at the highest bitrate at 32o bit. A normal cd runs at the bitrate 1500 bit. There4 the quality of course is not the same, or good enough 4 the listener who wants the REAL THING, and not 2 B compared, as a lot of details have been delayed in the music due to the compression. But to have the chance to find the music U hv searched and looked 4, hopefully means U like to go on the market and buy some of the real thing, and hereby support the artists having created the stuff and have the rights. U cn try 2 listen a mp3 song to athe same song on a cd, and U wll discover the difference.

U wll as time goes by B able to find almost every genre, although my own interest is placed and passioned to music mainly frm 50ties, sixties and 70ties, music still goes on, and talk expressive to the world. Evn sometimes really makes a difference in important political world affairs, having a positive influence and great ability to get people 2gether and fight issues of local or common importance. 1 excample is the nationalhymn of Denmark. The official: "Kong Christian stod ved højen mast" ( a song about defending our land doing war ) is another than the 1 which is used, as this melody: " Der er et yndigt land" ( a song of the beauty of our land) in front of the success of our national soccer team, has taken over beeing songed evrytime our team plays a match inside or outside the country.

It has never been a formal decition, and I think it wkll nevr B. Its has just happened. ITS THE VERY POINT!

Whatever, I cnnot change the world that much, but music might change my mood and keep mine and maybe your mind passioned 2 enjoy life, and maybe also B a part of fighting for evryones rights and responsibility for human rights and subjective respons . Or at least letting us have great times and moments to stand hard issues and reality confronting us.

Evry1 should B welcomed dispite political convincement, religious convincement, race, social and personal position or whatever could and do separate humans.

The theme erotic i do not know excatly know how to handle at the moment. Or how 2 link 2 the subject music? But my point is erotic as music really does matter in life in every way. To start learning how to communicate stuff like the subject: Erotic, I'll in the first place let over to participians who might like to comment and discuss this theme, and how it could be handled and expressed?

I think I have about 500 gigabite of music I like to share, maybe more than 500.000 titels, so place your comments and needs, and i'll C what I cn do.

So please do place ur comments and wishes. Thank U!

I wll also place some adds, which hopefully wll give me some money due 2 the fact, I wll need 2 use a lot of time, to manage the needed uploads from my digital and arranged library of music.

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